
Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Natural Mushroom Compounds to Address Psychiatric Disorders

Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Natural Mushroom Compounds to Address Psychiatric Disorders

11 March, 2024

New study indicates that mushroom extract might demonstrate superior efficacy compared to chemically synthesized psilocybin, especially in stimulating neuroplasticity and promoting the development of new connections between nerve cells—an essential attribute. This discovery unveils potential applications for addressing conditions such as depression, PTSD, and schizophrenia.

Breakthrough in Single-Photon Integration

Breakthrough in Single-Photon Integration

12 February, 2024


A recent study from Hebrew University has achieved a significant advancement in integrating single-photon sources onto tiny chips at room temperature, representing an important step forward in quantum photonics with potential for applications such as quantum computing and cryptography. This achievement signifies a milestone in the development of practical quantum photonic devices, heralding a promising future where quantum technologies, encompassing computing, communication, and sensing, can be fully realized.

Tiny Pseudoscorpion Rides on a Scorpion observed for the First Time

Tiny Pseudoscorpion Rides on a Scorpion observed for the First Time

22 January, 2024


Researchers from the National Natural History Collections at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Department of Evolutionary and Environmental Biology at the University of Haifa documented the first-ever observation of phoresy of pseudoscorpions on a scorpion host. This unique behavior sheds light on the intricate relationships of myrmecophile arachnids, particularly between the pseudoscorpion genus Nannowithius and the scorpion species Birulatus israelensis.

Optimizing Leaf Hydration through Light Intensity and Color Ratios Potentially Improving Agricultural Practices

Optimizing Leaf Hydration through Light Intensity and Color Ratios Potentially Improving Agricultural Practices

17 January, 2024

Researchers from Hebrew University have unveiled the intricate connection between light conditions, Blue-Light (BL) to Red-Light (RL) ratio, and leaf hydraulic conductance (Kleaf) in different canopy areas. The study shows that light not only directly impacts photosynthesis but also indirectly affects water demands and hydraulic conductance. These findings offer insights into plant adaptive strategies, potentially improving agricultural practices, especially in water management for better crop productivity.