The Gaza War Omnibus–December 10th 2023 Israeli Majority Opposes Gaza Annexation

17 December, 2023



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The Gaza War Omnibus by Agam Labs at Hebrew University of Jerusalem unveils its series of surveys. Each survey represents a comprehensive exploration within a diverse cross-section of Israeli society. These successive studies meticulously capture the evolving sentiments and perspectives of the Israeli public, offering frequent snapshots of attitudes and feelings prevalent across various segments of the community. Rooted in a robust and inclusive sampling methodology, these findings showcase the dynamic responses and viewpoints emerging amidst the ongoing conflict. The series of surveys intricately trace the fluid developments and shifting public sentiment throughout the duration of the 2023 Gaza War, providing a detailed and updated understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of attitudes within the Israeli public sphere.


This sample mirrors the demographic makeup of Israeli adult society, encompassing a diverse range of factors including gender, age, levels of religiosity, geographical location, political affiliations, and voter turnout in the recent elections for the 25th Knesset. Notably, all respondents actively participated in multiple prior assessments throughout the campaign's evolution, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of fundamental perspectives and changes within this cohort.


  • The survey was conducted before the events of December 15th in which three Israeli hostages were tragically and mistakenly killed by the IDF in Gaza.




Gaza - A significant majority of Israelis (56%) oppose annexing and resettling Gaza, while 33% support such a move, and 11% remain uncertain about their stance on this issue. This sentiment underscores a prevalent viewpoint among the Israeli populace regarding the annexation and resettlement proposal for Gaza.


Regarding the control of Gaza post-war, public opinion exhibits a diverse range of perspectives. Approximately 23% advocate for moderate Arab countries to oversee Gaza, while 22% support the notion of Israeli military rule. Another 18% favor an international force assuming control, with an equal proportion of 18% leaning towards the idea of Israel annexing Gaza. Additionally, 7% advocate for holding elections in Gaza, while 11% express support for the Palestinian Authority taking control of the region. This spectrum of opinions highlights the complexity and divergence in viewpoints regarding Gaza's future governance.


War Objectives: Regarding the conditions determining the conclusion of the first and primary phase of military action, opinions vary. Approximately 36% believe this stage should conclude only after the eradication of the Hamas government. Meanwhile, 23% advocate for the return of all hostages as the decisive factor, while an equal proportion of 23% emphasize the elimination of the Hamas’ military wing. Additionally, 6% express the view eliminating the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is essential, and 8% consider the elimination of the threat of rockets attacking Israel as a pivotal factor for concluding this phase. These diverse perspectives illustrate the multifaceted considerations influencing perceptions of when this stage of military action should cease.


Humanitarian Aid - Regarding humanitarian aid amidst the war with the Hamas, 40% of Israelis stand against permitting humanitarian assistance into Gaza, while 37% support such aid initiatives. Additionally, 23% remain uncertain or do not have a definitive stance on the matter.


Hostages – 57% of Israelis support reaching an agreement to release the hostages – of these 41% agree to releasing terrorists and 16% propose reducing the IDF military action. Moreover, 23% oppose any negotiations, and 20% remain undecided."


Gun License - Recently, the Israeli government has relaxed regulations pertaining to gun licenses, extending eligibility to individuals outside the security forces. Among Jewish Israelis, 36% express support for this measure, while 27% oppose it, and 37% remain undecided. In contrast, among Arab Israelis, 65% oppose this policy, with 30% unsure, and only 5% in support.


Researchers: Nimrod Nir and Nimrod Zeldin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Asaf Shapira, Tel Aviv University




The Gaza War Omnibus – December 10th 2023, was prepared by Agam Labs at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The survey was conducted via the internet and by telephone between December 7-9, 2023 with 1,524 men and women men and women in Hebrew and 334 in Arabic, consisting of a nationally representative sample of the adult population in Israel aged 18 and over. Notably, these individuals had actively participated in various prior assessments conducted since the onset of the campaign. The margin of sampling error stands at +4.2%, affirming a confidence level of 99%. Field work was carried out by iPanel. The full data file can be found at: